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July 24, 2024

BG’s Positively Speaking

Just Show Up

It is said that 90% of success in life can be attributed to showing up, “Just Show Up” is a powerful mantra that encourages us to take that crucial first step, even when it feels daunting. Indeed, being present is the foundation for achievement, but being present is not all that is required. We must show the right attitude, be ready to roll up our sleeves and do the necessary work. Success occurs when preparedness and opportunity meet. Our preparations include showing up, having the right attitude, and being willing to do what is required.

Once, I was asked, “Have you ever done any acting?”. Sensing that there was something to follow, I responded, “I’ve been acting all my life.” The questioner was conducting a casting call the following morning and wondered if I would like to audition. A new TV broadcasting studio sought fresh talent for a courtroom drama series. That night, I couldn’t sleep; I was apprehensive about the audition and the probability of making a fool of myself. I finally decided to “show up”; I had nothing to lose.

I turned up at the studio, my heart pounding and body shaking. I got through an interview with the director, followed by a reading from the script. Surprisingly, I was cast as the court bailiff and offered a multi-episode contract. It was only a small part, but over the next six or seven years, it led to dozens of small parts in other productions.

If I had not ‘Shown Up’ for that opportunity, I would have missed out on one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Remember, life isn’t about avoiding getting bruised but facing challenges head-on. The simple act of showing up can lead to the simple act of showing up can lead to meaningful connections and personal growth. So,

Just Show Up And Let The Magic Unfold!

The Police Academy

Three guys sign up for the police academy. The first guy goes into the Captain’s office. “We have to ask you one question before we admit you into the academy: Who killed Jesus?”

The first guy says, “The Romans did it.” The Captain says, “Right, you’re admitted.”

The second guy goes in next. The Captain asks him the same thing. “We have to ask you one question first before you’re admitted to the Police Academy. Who killed Jesus?” The second guy says, “The Romans did it.” The Captain says, “Right, you’re admitted.”

The third guy goes in, and the Captain repeats the question. The third guy says, “Gee, I don’t know.” The Captain tells him to go home, think about it for a week, and return and tell him. The third guy goes home, and his wife asks him how his first day at the academy went, and he says to her, “You won’t believe it! It was my first day on the job, and they assigned me to a murder case!”

The Things We Say

“Mad As A Hatter.”

Origin: No, it didn’t originate from Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Its origins date from the 17th and 18th centuries — well before Lewis Caroll’s book was published. In 17th century France, poisoning occurred among hat makers who used mercury for the hat felt. The “Mad Hatter Disease” was marked by shyness, irritability, and tremors that would make the person appear “mad.”

Where In The World

Do you know where this building is located and what it is?


(Click or Hover for answer)

Editors Quote Book

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.”

Mark Twain

Trivia Quiz

(Click Question For Answer)

1. How many teeth does an adult have?
Thirty Two.
2. What is used to measure Atmospheric Pressure?
3. Who was the first woman to go into space?
Valentina Tereshkova.
4. Denmark's capital and most populous city is -----?
5. Electrons are larger than molecules. True or False?
6. What country has the most natural lakes?
7. Which US. State is known as the 'Sunshine State'?
8. Who was known as the 'Maid of Orleans'?
Joan of Arc.


Your Horoscope

For Amusement Only

ARIES (March 21- April 19): Try a little romance. Go for a long drive together, dance with her under the stars, or give her flowers. She’ll love you.

TAURUS (April 20- May 20): Just because you feel on top of things doesn’t mean you are. There is more to learn, but you’re only halfway there.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Make your family outing an event to remember. Plan something original that you will talk about for years to come.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Take action now to avoid a disaster down the road. Creative solutions will help to smooth things out.

LEO (July 23- August 22): Weather changes affect your plans. You have many alternatives; open yourself to new ideas and experiences.

VIRGO (August 23- September 22): Concentrate more on spiritual matters and less on material things. Help comes from an unexpected source.

LIBRA (September 23- October 22): A relative has much insight into your challenge. Keep an open mind and listen carefully.

SCORPIO (October 23- November 21): A Real estate deal may still come through. Don’t fret if it doesn’t. Something else is in the background.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21): Be a homebody for a few days. Forget the housework and read a good book or watch an old movie.

CAPRICORN (December 22- January 19): Your finances are in OK shape, but you should make some adjustments. Be cautious about being too aggressive with the changes.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Review your goals if your future seems murky. Determine what you really want.

PISCES (February 19- March 20): You seem to be in a bit of a slump. It’s time to shake yourself up and get back into the action.

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Shall We Dance?

Of all the old Hollywood song and dance men, probably the most underrated was Donald O’Connor. His classic comedy-dance routine in “Singin’ In The Rain.” is considered the best of all comedy dance routines. Despite his skill, he never reached the level of recognition that Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire did. In the video below you will see Mr. O’Connor tap dance on roller skates. It is worth noting that the sequence was filmed a good two years before Gene Kelly tapped with roller skates in the “Singin’ In The Rain” movie. However, Astaire & Rogers did it way back in 1937 for the movie “Shall We Dance.”

Click and Enjoy

Last Will And Testament

An elderly gentleman was on his deathbed as his wife, three children and nurse stood close by. Then he spoke: “Bill, you take the Beverly Hills houses. “Mary, you take the offices in the Center. “Debra, the apartments over the LA Plaza are yours. “To my dear wife, take all the residential buildings near downtown.” The nurse was really impressed. She said, “Your husband must have been quite a man, amassing so much property to leave to all of you.”

And the wife responded, “What property?, the schmuck had a paper route!!”

Only At Walmart

It Takes All Kinds To Make This World

A woman named Cheyenne called into a radio show in Australia. She dropped a whopper of a confession,  “So my nan passed away in August last year and got cremated,” Cheyenne began. “I went over to my mom’s one night and thought to cheer her up a bit … ‘Let’s just taste Nan.'” The caller went on to say that her brother, who had been in prison, was recently released and as a “welcome home” dinner, she made him pasta with sauce — alla Nan. “I thought it would be funny to prank him … and I put some of Nan’s ashes in the  pasta sauce.” Cheyenne said she has a “weird addiction” to the ashes and believes they help connect her with her late granny. “Nan will live on through me forever,” she said. Bon appetit.

The Last Word

Always respect people who wear glasses, they paid good money to see you.

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