Orillia December 7, 2022
14 December 2022
Orillia December 21, 2022
28 December 2022Orillia December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022
BG’s Positively Speaking
Slow Down You’re Going Too Fast
Simon & Garfunkel fans will recognize the title of this message as the first line of “The 59th St. Bridge Song”. The words may have evolved in the ‘laid-back sixties,’ but they are just as current as back then. In our world of expanding technology designed to save time, we are constantly pressured to do more. So we try to fit a 10-minute task into the 7 minutes we just saved, putting ourselves under more pressure.
Growing up, I often heard my mother’s warning, “More haste less speed,” when I tried to do something in a hurry. She would explain that when we hurry, we make more mistakes than if we slow down. Moreover, correcting those mistakes would probably take more time than if we had “Slowed Down” in the first place.
How do you slow down the pace of life? How do you avoid trying to squeeze more and more into your day?
You start by realizing that you have a choice, not an easy one, but it’s a choice. Tackle what is probably the most complex task, unplug yourself. Disconnect from those gadgets that tie you to work, not for the day but for short periods; say first thing in the morning, and take some time to say “Good Morning to your family.
Be in the present. Focus on what is happening now. Stop thinking of things still to be done. Make a conscious effort to do less, “Less is More” is true.
Have your lunch break away from your desk and eat slowly. Couple that with driving slower; you will reduce your stress level and increase your efficiency. Leave some space between appointments or tasks to prepare you to handle unexpected situations.
You’re Not Getting Divorced!
An old man calls his son and says, “Listen, your mother and I are getting divorced. Forty-five years of misery is long enough.” “Dad, what are you talking about?” the son screams.
He says we can’t stand the sight of each other any longer. “I’m sick of looking at your mother’s face, and I’m sick of talking about this, so call your sister and tell her,” and he hangs up.
Now, the son is worried. He calls his sister. She says, “Like heck they’re getting divorced!” She calls their father immediately. “You’re not getting divorced! Don’t do another thing. The two of us are flying home tomorrow to talk about this. Until then, don’t call a lawyer, and don’t file papers. DO YOU HEAR ME?” She hangs up the phone.
The old man turns to his wife and says, “Okay, they’re both coming for Christmas and paying their own airfares.”

What is the value of ?
Hover over picture for the answer
Editors Quote Book
“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”
— Oprah Winfrey
Trivia Quiz
(Click Question For Answer)
Your Horoscope
For Amusement Only
ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19: The wants and needs of family take the spotlight. It is important that you take care of those you love.
TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20: You pursue your goals with great energy. For you the journey is just as rewarding as the achievement.
GEMINI May 21-June 20: Your logic and enthusiasm play a large role in convincing others to go along with the ideas you put forward.
CANCER June 21-July 22: Action is your motivation. Plan your agenda to keep you on the move and avoid becoming bored.
LEO July 23-Aug 22: You have an uncanny gift that allows you to succeed where others have failed. Follow your instincts.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22: You spend more time on someone else’s project. The rewards will be completely dependent on your input.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22: Things are particularly attractive in the area of romance. The warmth you generate will help you greatly.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21: Use your drive and initiative to help with your personal interests. Don’t sit and wait, make things happen.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21: Challenges will seek you out. Don’t be unduly concerned. The pressure is what will motivate you to succeed..
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19: On a personal level, some situations take on a new meaning and could prove to be very rewarding.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18: It’s time to get involved with some fun things. Put the mundane and serious things aside, enjoy yourself.
PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20: It’s obvious to those around you that you’re not a ‘WISHY-WASHY” person. You are positive and decisive.
Did You Know?
Magic Number 5
Walking down the street the other day, I saw my best friend, Jeff. Walking up to him, I mentioned I’d had the craziest dream the other night. Jeff listened as I told him that the vision consisted of just one thing. A big glowing number, “5”. It was made of gold and sparkled with shiny diamonds. Jeff’s curiosity peaked. I went on to say that the first thing I did in the morning was to grab the daily racing digest and look up the 5th race.
Jeff raised an eyebrow. I told him that the #5 horse in the 5th race was named “The 5th Element.” Jeff started grinning. Then I told him point-by-point what I had done that entire day. I ate 5 bowls of cereal for breakfast and drank 5 cups of coffee. I went for a 5-mile jog to clear my head. I took a 5-minute shower to rinse off. I dressed in the 5th suit I found in my closet. I sat in my car for 5 minutes before starting it. I drove to the racetrack and parked in the 5th stall in the 5th row. I entered through the 5th admissions gate, bought 5 programs, went to the 5th betting window and bet $555 on the 5th horse in the 5th race. I sat in the 5th row of the bleachers making sure 5 people were sitting on both sides of me. I settled in and waited for the race to start. “Well,” said Jeff. “Did your horse win??”
I frowned at Jeff and said, “Stupid horse came in 5th.”
The Silence
My husband and I had a huge argument and we did not talk to each other for days. Finally, on the third day, he asked where one of his shirts was.”Oh,” I said, “So now you’re speaking to me.” He looked confused, “What are you talking about?” “Haven’t you noticed I haven’t spoken to you for three days?” I challenged. “No,” he said, “I just thought we were getting along.”
The Last Word
Television has proven that people will look at anything, rather than each other.