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North Muskoka February 05, 2025

February 05, 2025

BG’s Positively Speaking

“It’s All About YOU!”

That’s right. I said: “It’s all about you.” I encourage you to go out and tell everyone you meet that it’s “all about me(you).” That mantra, meant to be a put-down of the ‘ME’ generation, is now, in many circles, considered good to say about yourself and say it with pride. Are you wondering why?

It’s because you’re making a public admission that who you are or are not, what you are or are not, where you are or are not in life, it’s all down to you. If you don’t have what you could have or are not the person you could be, it’s because of you. Understand that you can’t fix what you don’t confess; you must take responsibility for your life. Once you do that, you can start correcting your situation. I had to face this realization at one point in my life. If I would have had to kick the butt of the person most responsible for my failures, I wouldn’t have sat for a month.

Having accepted your responsibility, you now need to acknowledge two things. First, you cannot achieve the results you are looking for without the help of others, and second, you are where you are because of the choices you made. To gain the help of others, we must give them more consideration. Begin by placing a higher value on them, encouraging them to be their best.

You must also make better choices that are not focused entirely on what’s good for you. Your goals will be attained quicker and more secure if they add value to those around you, not just to you. Becoming the person you could become is …….

All About YOU!

Adobe Architecture

Sun-baked bricks of mud and straw were an easy building material for Spanish colonists who settled in New Mexico. They erected churches, homes and other structures atop stone foundations. Then they plastered the walls with more mud—reapplying it when rains washed it away. Longer-lasting cement stucco later gained favour, but it posed a risk: Like mud plaster, it can crack, letting water enter walls. But because it’s less breathable than mud, the water can’t escape, eroding the bricks. Found primarily in New Mexico, they were built using locally sourced mud and clay, creating a distinctive architectural style deeply rooted in the region’s Spanish colonial heritage.

School Daze

Dad. “So, you’re in the school soccer team. What position do you play?”
Son: “The teacher says I’m the main drawback!”

Teacher: “I hope I didn’t see you cheating on the exam?”
Pupil: “I hope so, too.”

Teacher: “For homework tonight I want you to write an essay on Attila the Hun.”
Pupil: “Sir, could I write mine on paper?”

 Why did the schoolboy hate decimals? He couldn’t see the point.

 Then, there was the music teacher who put her violin in the freezer.  She wanted to play it cool!

My New Car

I bought a new car but couldn’t get the radio working. So I went back to the dealership and told them my problem. The service technician explained that the radio was voice-activated and would give me an example of how it operates. He then said to the radio, ‘Nelson.’ The radio replied, ‘Ricky or Willie?’ ‘Willie!’ he continued, and ‘On The Road Again’ came from the speakers. Then he said, ‘Ray Charles!’ and in an instant, ‘Georgia On My Mind’ replaced Willie Nelson.

I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I said, ‘Beethoven,’ I got beautiful classical music, and if I said, ‘Beatles,’ I got one of their awesome songs.

Yesterday, some guy ran a red light and nearly creamed my new car, but I swerved in time to avoid him. I yelled, ‘IDIOT!’ Immediately, the radio responded: “Ladies and gentlemen, The President of the United States.”

Editors Quote Book

“Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid”

— Johanne von Goethe

Dinner Reservation

While enjoying her vacation in Hawaii, Lisa called a cafe to make reservations for 7 p.m.  Checking her book, the cheery hostess said, “I’m sorry, but all we have is 6:45. Would you like that?”  “That’s fine, ” Lisa said. “Okay,” the woman confirmed. Then she added, “Just be advised that you may have to wait 15 minutes for your table.”

Sweet Revenge

Myra was the church gossip. Though many disliked this, they feared her enough to keep silent. But she made a mistake when she accused Bob of being a drunk after she saw his truck parked in front of the town’s bar, saying, “Anyone seeing it knows what you were doing.” Bob stared at her for a moment and walked away. He didn’t explain, defend or deny. He said nothing. That evening, Bob parked his pickup in front of Myra’s house and left it there all night.

Motivated Mom

Son and Mom were looking for a lost contact lens in the driveway. The Mom soon found it. Son: “Wow! How did you find it?”  Mom: “You were looking for a piece of plastic, but I was looking for $150.”

Trivia Quiz

(Click Question For Answer)

1. In the nursery rhyme. Who stole the Queen of Hearts tarts?
The Knave of Hearts.
2. In the TV series Grey’s Anatomy. Which doctor is referred to as 'The Nazi'?
Miranda Bailey.
3. What car rental company claimed they 'try harder'?
4. Which Sandra Bullock movie had the tagline 'A story about love at second sight'?
While You Were Sleeping.
5. In which country is the Curragh racecourse?
6. How many days were there in 2004?
7. Which city is the world’s most populated?
8. In which computer game is Lara Croft, the heroine?
Tomb Raiders.


Your Horoscope

For Amusement Only

Aries Mar. 21 –  Apr. 19: Look before you leap! There’s something you’re missing. Do your due diligence and read all the small print.

Taurus Apr.20 –  May 20: Picture yourself where you want to be, then set a course. It may be easier and quicker than you think!

Gemini May 21 –  June 20: Something’s afoot. You think you know what’s going on, but do you really? Think outside the box.

Cancer June 21 –  July 22: “People may say you’re in love!” Or do you just wish to be? What’s wrong with this picture? Proceed cautiously.

Leo July 23 –  Aug. 22: Good times are approaching; enjoy and be grateful for them. Be watchful, and more will come our way!

Virgo Aug. 23 –  Sept. 22: Move forward gingerly. You don’t have to have all the answers, but a plan will get you there quicker.

Libra, Sept. 23 – Oct. 22: Think about the good times you had when you were happier. They can return; keep an open mind.

Scorpio Oct. 23 –  Nov. 21: You’ll catch a “lucky” break starting this month. You deserve it. Now, go and take advantage of it.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 –  Dec. 21: Love is in the air! Music sounds sweeter; flowers look brighter, as does your future. Others will envy you!

Capricorn Dec. 22- Jan. 19: Do your bit, then hand it over to the “Life Force” to carry you the rest of the way.

Aquarius Jan. 20 –  Feb. 18: Be guided by your instincts. Let them take you where you should go. Don’t get in your own way.

Pisces Feb. 19 –  Mar. 20: Take a new path with a wider view. Take a broader view and see the bigger picture, then zoom in.

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Just Wonderin’

  • Do gymnasts get tipsy from uneven bars?
  • Is archery an ‘arrowing experience?
  • When men and women compete against each other in an equestrian event, is that called cross-dressage?
  • Are the losers in fencing foiled?

What Will They Think Of Next

Computers have allowed us to create images that previously were only in our minds. This week’s video is a peek into the future, with a realistic four-minute video that will stimulate your imagination. Click on the video link below, and be prepared to blow your mind. My mind has already added some possibilities to this idea. I believe that some form of this concept will be available by the end of this century.

The Legend Of ‘WOKUM”

This story originates from the Micmac tribe in the Annapolis region of Nova Scotia.

Many moons ago, after a particularly harsh winter, two Micmac warriors from rival villages argued over the right to hunt the area. Heated words were spoken, which led to knives being drawn. The warriors battled on the banks of a small creek. It is said that the two fought with the ferocity of wild bears, slashing each other with their knives, each tearing and ripping at the other’s clothes and hair.

As they battled, one of the warriors slipped and fell into the waters of the creek, his bloody knife slipping from his hand, sinking to the bottom and landing on a rock just beyond his reach. The warrior pushed his cut and bleeding body towards the knife as his blood turned the creek’s water red, but it was just beyond his reach. He thrashed and clawed and reached for his knife, desperate to reach it before his rival killed him. But it always slipped out of reach, no matter how much he tried. The victorious warrior saw his rival sink into the waters and lay still, the knife just beyond his fingers.

The fallen man’s people found him a few hours later and rescued his body from the waters of the creek. When they tried to retrieve his bloody knife from beneath him, it always slipped beyond their reach, though the creek was not deep. Many years have passed since that day, and still, the blood-stained knife lies beneath the waters of the creek. Many people have tried to retrieve that bloody knife, but the knife slips out of reach. It’s like trying to touch the bottom of the sea, although the creek itself is not deep. Even the rushing waters of the spring melt will not move the mysterious knife or wash away the blood staining its blade. The creek is called WOKUM by the Micmac, which means knife. To the white man, the creek is known as Bloody Creek.

Trip To Walmart

It was mid-October, and Jimmy was waiting for his wife, Julie, at Walmart’s checkout counter when he noticed someone had left their broom behind. Jimmy went outside to search for a couple he remembered seeing at the cashier’s desk. ‘Excuse me,’ he said to the young woman, ‘but did you leave your broom inside by any chance?’ ‘No,’ she retorted with a smile, ‘we came by truck.’.

Hard Of Hearing

A man with a hearing problem walked into a power plant for a tour. He arrived late and had to join the rest of the group already on the tour. The man was reviewing what he had just told the group. He said the group  wouldn’t move on until they answered this question: What is the unit of power equal to one joule per second called?” The man with the hearing problem hadn’t heard the question well, so he raised his hand and asked, “What?”

NOTE: The answer is’ Watt’ for those who are not electricians.

Asked And Answered

A young boy met his friend walking down the street with a sack of burnt-out light bulbs. He asked him what he would do with all those useless bulbs. His friend replied, “I’m going to build a dark room.”

The Last Word

Today is the oldest you have ever been and
the youngest you will ever be.

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