North Muskoka December 13, 2023
20 December 2023
North Muskoka December 27, 2023
3 January 2024North Muskoka December 20, 2023
December 20, 2023
Santa’s Reindeer (The Inside Story)
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, both Male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer of each year. The only members of the deer family that do. Male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually between late November and mid-December. Female reindeer keep their antlers until after giving birth in the Spring.
Therefore, according to every known historical rendition depicting Santa’s reindeer, every single one, from Rudolph to Blitzen….. had to be female.
First Flight
Pilot: “Have you ever flown in a small plane before?” Passenger: “No, I have not.”
Pilot: Well, here is some chewing gum. It will help to keep your ears from popping.
Pilot (after the plane landed): “Did the gum help?”
Passenger: “Yep. It worked fine. The only trouble is I can’t get the gum out of my ears.”
Editors Quote Book
“You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things:
a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.”
— Maya Angelou
It Happened On Christmas Day!
Dec. 25, 1642: Isaac Newton was born
We’ve all heard the legend of the apple falling on Isaac Newton’s head, prompting the scientist to devise his universal gravitation law. While historians debate whether the apple landed on his head, what is not discussed is the impact Newton has had on science, as he’s often heralded as one of the most influential scientists of all time.
Trivia Quiz
(Click Question For Answer)
Your Horoscope
For Amusement Only
ARIES (Mar 21- Apr 19): If you don’t want to be left out in the cold, get your facts straight before making your demands.
TAURUS (Apr 20- May 20): Make sure that your long-term goals are what you want. Then, go after them with a vengeance.
GEMINI: (May 21- Jun 20): Stick to your routine. Slight variations could lead to finding yourself compromised. There’s smooth sailing ahead.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Guard against becoming depressed. Stay busy, communicate with loved ones and laugh loud and often.
LEO (Jul 23- Aug 22 ): A family member could use your expertise. Give your help graciously and withhold judgment. It will be appreciated.
VIRGO: (Aug 23- Sept 22): Seek guidance from someone you can trust. Stumbling around in the dark will only bring you grief.
LIBRA (Sept 23- Oct 22): Don’t pass up the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills. Success comes when you are prepared for it.
SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Make yourself aware of the many benefits you may qualify for. They could help you in the coming months.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.21): A work reorganization brings unexpected opportunities. Maximize them by accepting the changes with enthusiasm.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22- Jan 19): Are you ready to accept the answers to your questions? They may not be what you want to hear.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18: This is the time to make your decision. Procrastination will make things worse. Decide and get on with it.
PISCES Feb 19- Mar 20: An influential person could offer you the opportunity to advance your career. Don’t mess it up with idle gossip.
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The Rituals of Christmas
This year, many people will be putting up their Christmas decorations earlier than they have previously. So that they can capture that ‘“Christmas Spirit” for a little longer. There’s evidence that this works. Research has shown that it can play a role in creating a sense of well-being and satisfaction. They evoke memories of other times when we underwent the same rituals. Every time we put up Christmas decorations, our brain remembers those stored festive feelings.
It is important to keep up the rituals associated with celebrations. Even if we experience them differently, they will evoke a positive response in us. The smells associated with Christmas can trigger memories from the past. Though we’re in entirely different circumstances now, our brains will make us happy by triggering happy memories.
So, if you are feeling a little down, pull out those boxes of stored decorations and work on giving yourself a lift.
‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
Though we may think of Christmas as the most important and widely celebrated festival in the world, the vast majority of people on the planet either do not celebrate Christmas or allocate it a smaller place in their holiday traditions.
China, India and Nigeria (among others) have adopted Christmas into their holiday celebrations, which run alongside, or in opposition to, their native holiday celebrations. Let’s look at China’s celebrations.
It’s easy to think that with China’s distance from the West, both in terms of geography and politics, Christmas celebrations would struggle to take root. That is true to an extent, but Christmas has a place in China that is relatively unknown.
The Mandarin name for Christmas is “shèng dàn jié,” a phrase that roughly means “the holiday celebrating the birth of a saint.”Christmas has a small but not insignificant place in Chinese cultural celebrations due to the quiet yet ongoing influence of the West on Chinese culture, particularly with the young. The picture above shows a Christmas Market in
Chengdu, China.
*** A favourite treat in many countries is Pound Cake. Its name comes from the pound of butter needed to give it its rich taste.
*** During the days of steam locomotives, large water tanks were erected alongside the tracks, about 40 miles apart. These small towns became known as “Tank Towns.”
Hook, Line & Sinker
*** A woman, after a fishing trip with her husband, was talking to her neighbour, “I did everything wrong today. I talked too much, I used the wrong bait, I reeled in too soon. Oh yes, and I caught more fish than he did.”
*** My idea of a convincing talker is someone who can keep both hands in their pocket while describing the fish that got away.
The Last Word
Never buy a man anything that says, “Some assembly required” on the box.
It will ruin his day, and he will always have leftover parts!