North Bay December 06, 2023
13 December 2023
North Bay December 20, 2023
27 December 2023North Bay December 13, 2023
December 13, 2023
BG’s Positively Speaking
“Moving Forward”
Some years back, when my life was not going in the direction I wanted it to. When frustrated at the lack of movement toward my goals, I contacted one of my mentors and asked, “What do I have to do to make things go forward?” Arranging to meet, he asked me how I was feeling. I said that I felt frustrated and like I was pushing a hefty weight; the goals I had set were too hard, too painful and taking too much time. Then, I repeated my question. Here is what I learned from my mentor:
If There Is No Pain … There will Be No Gain.
If I want to move forward, I must be willing to endure the PAIN and learn its lessons. Moving forward requires growth, and growth happens with change. That change happens with lessons learned from the pain by expanding my knowledge and skills.
Going forward is never easy; anyone could do it if it was. I learned that without effort, I would remain in my comfort zone, settling for second best when I could have done better. Being uncomfortable should not keep me from my goals. Reaching them will require me to get out of my comfort zone, overcome my discomfort, and have a dream big enough to motivate me into action.
Once I start moving forward, I must stay Positive, Persistent, focused, and Patient. If I follow these lessons, I will, over time, gain ground and move my life forward. Now let me ask you a couple of questions:
Have you given up on striving for the better life you want?
Are you wasting your pain by not learning the lessons from it?
The Start Now…. It’s Never Too Late
Slice of Life
Diner: “Pardon me, waiter, but what kind of pie is this?”
Waiter: “What does it taste like?” Diner: “I don’t know.”:
“Waiter: “Then what’s the difference?”
Santa Crossing
At this time of year, most of us enjoy the lights and decorations of the Christmas season. The town of Bremen, Germany, is so “into it” that they have gone a step further. They changed their traffic lights. When pedestrians see the green light, they don’t see a walk signal or a stick-figure pedestrian. They see a little image of Santa Claus.
Editors Quote Book
“I look back at my life like a good day’s work.
It was done, and I am satisfied with it.”
— Grandma Moses
The Entrepreneurial Spirit
A new business in China’s Shandong Province is getting attention, offering divorcing couples the chance to destroy their wedding pictures cost-effectively.
In China, tearing up wedding photos after a failed marriage isn’t as easy as it sounds. In this country, it’s customary to immortalize wedding stills on tough acrylic canvases that are also very resistant to flames. That leaves divorcing couples with few options, like simply throwing their wedding pictures in the trash, which many are reluctant to do for fear that they might get recognized by someone. That’s where a new business venture from Shandong Province comes in. Founded by a young man named Liu, the new company specializes in shredding wedding photographs, helping clients put their past behind them while protecting their privacy.
(Source, Oddity Central)
Trivia Quiz
(Click Question For Answer)
Your Horoscope
For Amusement Only
ARIES (Mar 21- Apr 19): Prioritize your time. You need to make the most of every hour. Efficiency is what counts right now.
TAURUS (Apr 20- May 20): Don’t vent your frustrations on those close to you. You will soon have to turn to them for support.
GEMINI: (May 21- Jun 20): Children of all ages can be very trying. But don’t worry, they will all grow up sooner or later.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Choose your words carefully. A flippant, off-the-cuff remark could wound a loved one more than you realize.
LEO (Jul 23- Aug 22 ): A warm relationship heats up as we head into winter. Take a little more time before making a commitment.
VIRGO: (Aug 23- Sept 22): Communicate with someone lost to you. Don’t just talk to them. Talk with them and listen to them.
LIBRA: (Sept 23- Oct 22): An interesting proposition comes your way. Consider it closely. Take a chance. What have you got to lose?
SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Envy and jealousy are festering over another person’s good fortune. Get rid of it before it does you harm.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.21): You have some excellent ideas. Don’t be afraid to present them. You will never know till you try.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’re entering the home stretch. Read the fine print, enter your bid and have faith in your ability.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18: Co-workers are trying to manipulate the system. Take it upon yourself to warn them of the consequences.
PISCES Feb 19- Mar 20: Hold back on your more aggressive plans. You would do well not to create waves before the year’s end.
You Can get The Perkolator delivered
From Where?
A Show Of Appreciation
Members of the Auburn (Massachusetts) Fire Department knew Debbie Virgilio well. First responders had transported her frequently during her final years, but when she passed last year, they had no idea of the plans she had made for them. Virgilio left the department $525,000 in her will; they used the money to buy a new ambulance and updated equipment. Fire Chief Stephen Coleman said, “It means a lot to me, as the chief, to know my people made such an impact on somebody, they’re willing to donate half a million dollars to us when they pass. It’s a testament to the men and women of this department.” Cheers to Debbie.
What Time Do We Leave?
On a recent flight to Chicago, it seemed all the departure times were come and go, and we would still be waiting to board.
I asked the ticket agent, “What good are the departure times?”
“Well,” began the genial agent, “if it weren’t for those posted departure times we’d have no way of finding out how late we depart.”
Driving Me Out Of My Mind
Mindy: “I finally fixed that annoying noise in my car.”
Missy: “Really? How did you do it?’
Mindy: “I opened the door and pushed him out.”
Clocks In Heaven
A man died and arrived at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter greets him and says, “Welcome. Come walk with me and I’ll show you where you’ll be staying. “As they’re walking along the path, he notices clocks on the Golden Fence of Heaven. He asks St. Peter, “What are all those clocks for? “St. Peter replies, “They’re clocks for every person in the world. They click once for each time you lie. “When they reach where the man is staying, he asks out of curiosity, “I didn’t see any politicians’ clocks. Where are they kept? “St. Peter calmly replies, “People here use them as fans.”
The Last Word
Men of quality are never intimidated by women who seek equality.