Newmarket September 7, 2022
14 September 2022
Newmarket September 21, 2022
28 September 2022Newmarket September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022
BG’s Positively Speaking
“And The Password Is …”
Everyone who strives to achieve something in life asks, “What do I have to do to attain the goals I have set for myself?”. Then, “What is the key to the door to success, the password to achievement?”. So get ready; you are going to be given the password to future success and achievement. Actually, it’s two words ……… ‘Patient Persistence.’
No matter how much talent you have, how good your idea is, or how positive you are, achieving your target will require patience and persistence. To illustrate the point, I would like to offer up three short stories of success:-
- A young Fred Smith wrote a business plan for his college exam. Unfortunately, his efforts netted him a failing grade, and he was told his idea would never succeed. However, that plan was the original plan for what was to become Federal Express. Fred Smith’s commitment to his vision, along with ‘his patient persistence,’ unlocked the door to achieving his goal.
- Colonel Harlan Sanders set out to sell his chicken recipe in his sixties. He was patient and persistent in his efforts, pitching his recipe to over 1000 potential prospects before he found a buyer. As a result, KFC is known around the world because he discovered the password to success.
- It was a great story; he had written a great script, but after being turned down by dozens of agents, he had found nobody who would buy into his vision. Undeterred, he kept trying until he found a company to produce his script. Today Sylvester Stallone is an International star, and ‘Rocky’ is a classic movie.
Many people quit before they have given success a chance; they haven’t learned the password. So remember:
The Password Is ………. Patient Persistence
Running Over Time
Mary and Dave got along pretty well. But there was one thing that drove Mary absolutely crazy. No matter how often she told Dave how important it was to her that he come on time for dinner, he never did. Finally, after one such spat, he got down on his knees and said, “Mary, I promise I am turning over a new leaf. From now on, I will be on time for dinner!”
Well, the next day, promptly at 5 o’clock, Dave locked up his shop and headed out the door to his car. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car pulled up next to his parked car and hit Dave. He was rushed to hospital. He was released after 3 hours and walked into the house at 8 o’clock. Mary was livid! “Wait, I can explain,” pleaded Dave, “I got run over by a car!” “Really!?” screamed Mary, “It takes 3 hours to get run over by a car?!
Editors Quote Book
“I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us, pigs treat us as equals.”
— Winston Churchill
A fisherman was bragging to another that he had caught a 20lb. Salmon. “Were there any witnesses?” asked the other fisherman. ” Of course there was. Otherwise, it would have weighed over 30 lbs.”
Trivia Quiz
(Click Question For Answer)
Your Horoscope
For Amusement Only
ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19: Your finances are better than you thought. A little guidance from one who knows gets you back on track.
TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20: Attention to detail will pay unexpected dividends. You will receive the credit and recognition that you have earned.
GEMINI May 21-June 20: Some flexibility in your schedule will reduce some of the stress that has been building up in the last few weeks.
CANCER June 21-July 22: Your run of bad luck is about to end. You will find yourself in the right place at the right time.
LEO July 23-Aug 22: An old friend asks you for a favour. Offer your help willingly, but take care not to over-extend your resources.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22: An associate wants to become more than just friends. Be careful. Workplace romances often end in regrets.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22: Become involved in a community project. You will find that assisting and helping others will be very fulfilling.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21: Lean on your own intuition. Common sense will guide you to the problem. Then, your “sixth” sense will solve it.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21: A new love will add zest to your life. Enjoy, but keep an open mind and your expectations reasonable.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19: Time heals a broken heart. You can help speed up the process by reaching out to new people.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18: A recent mistake can be easily corrected. Stop worrying about it and get involved in the clean-up.
PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20: Socially, you are biting off more than you can chew. Clean up your calendar and give yourself breathing room.
Did You Know?
What’s In A Name?
One day, Mr. Phillard rushed his pregnant wife over to the hospital. As the doctors were prepping his wife, Mr. Phillard’s brother Bill arrived to watch the birth. But before the actual delivery, Mr. Phillard fainted. When Mr. Phillard woke up, he was in a bed with the doctor standing above him. Mr. Phillard,” the doctor said, “you are in the recovery room. Don’t worry, your wife is fine, and she has twins, a boy and a girl. Because you were unconscious and your wife was still under anesthesia, she requested that your brother Bill name the kids.” “What! My brother, he’s an idiot! I can’t believe you let him! What did he name them?” “He named your daughter Denise.” “Hey, not bad! I underestimated my brother. What did he name my son?” “He named your son Denephew.”
“A Haunting We Will Go!”
Nestled in some of Canada’s most dramatic and spectacular scenery is a place that has more than its share of spiritual inhabitants, both friendly and tragic. People from all over the world visit this location in their thousands each year. The place? The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.
Aside from being absolutely stunning, this 129-year-old hotel has several ghosts considered permanent residents. One is a bride who, in the 1920s, fell down the stone staircase during her wedding. Some say she caught her shoe in her gown as she stepped down the stairs. Others say that her veil brushed over a lit candle. Either way, she never left the hotel.
Then there is Sam the bellman. Sam McAuley an outgoing Scotsman who worked at the hotel as head bellman during the 1960s and ‘70s. It wasn’t long after his passing in1975 that stories began to circulate of an elderly Scotsman, in a plaid jacket, helping people with their bags before disappearing. He was reported helping people struggling with their keys, or showing people to their rooms, only to disappear as though he was never there.
There are reports from guests of numerous rooms of the hotel being haunted. After guests reported some particularly frightening incidents, one room on the mezzanine floor was sealed off entirely. Staff are reluctant, naturally, to give out specific room numbers. But, if you are staying at the hotel and feel a cold spot pass through your room, you may have just had a visit from one of the many resident spirits.
The Last Word
It doesn’t matter if your glass is half full or half empty.
There is clearly room for more wine.