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August 21, 2024

BG’s Positively Speaking

The Power Of One

Too often, we see people throw up their arms, shrugging their shoulders, saying, “What can I do about IT? I am only one person”. I ask those people, “How much do you want IT?” One person with a purpose can change the world. It all depends on how strong their will is to have things change. The impact of an individual can reverberate far beyond their immediate sphere. There are many ways in which one person can make a significant difference:

Inspiring Change: Think of Rosa Parks, who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and catalyzed the civil rights movement. Or Malala Yousafzai, who championed girls’ education and became a global symbol of resilience and courage.

Innovating Solutions: Innovators like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Marie Curie transformed industries and improved lives. Apple products, electric cars, and radioactivity research—have had lasting effects.

Acts of kindness—a smile or a helping hand—can brighten someone’s day and create a chain reaction of goodwill. Fred Rogers (“Mister Rogers”) used his TV show to teach empathy and compassion to generations of children.

Championing Justice: Nelson Mandela’s fight against apartheid exemplifies how one person’s unwavering commitment can dismantle oppressive systems. Erin Brockovich’s tireless efforts led to the exposure of toxic water contamination in Hinkley, California.

Educating and Mentoring: Teachers, mentors, and parents shape countless lives. Their guidance influences future leaders, artists, and thinkers. Anne Sullivan’s dedication to Helen Keller’s education transformed Keller’s life and inspired others.

Environmental Stewardship: Greta Thunberg’s climate activism highlights the power of youth voices. Her solo strike sparked global climate protests.

None of these people achieved their goals alone, but their determination to change something started it all. In summary, whether through courage, creativity, kindness, or advocacy, one person’s actions can create a ripple effect that shapes the world.

What can you do? Whatever you set your mind to.

Editors Quote Book

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength”.

Corrie Ten Boom

Quick Thinking

One day, Bubba and Earl were driving down the road, drinking a couple of beers. The passenger, Bubba, said, “Lookey thar up ahead, Earl. It’s a po-leece roadblock. We’re gonna get busted for drinkin’ these here beers!” “Don’t worry, Bubba,” Earl said. “We’ll just pull over and finish drinkin’ these beers, peel off the labels and stick ’em on our foreheads, then throw the bottles under the seat.”  “What for?” asked Bubba. “Just let me do the talking, okay?” said Earl. They finished their beers, threw the empty bottles under the seat and slapped the labels on their foreheads. hen they reached the roadblock, the sheriff asked, “Have you boys been drinking?” “No sir,” replied Earl. “We’re on the patch!

A New Shampoo

After trying a new shampoo for the first time, a man enthusiastically wrote a letter of approval to the manufacturer. Several weeks later, he came home from work to a large carton on his porch. Inside were free samples of the company’s many products: soaps, detergents, toothpaste, paper items, etc. “Well, what do you think?” his wife asked, smiling. “Next time,” he replied. I’m writing to General Motors!”

The Origin Of Words

Before oranges arrived in England in the late 15th century, there had yet to be a word for the colour. Depending on the shade, they were referred to as ġeolucrog (yellow-saffron) or ġeolurēad (yellow-red).

Holding A Grudge?

Crows are excellent at recognizing people’s faces and can remember people for a long time! This can be either a negative or positive fact, depending on how nice you are to them. They have been known to hold a grudge against specific people. While crows can tell us apart, we would find it difficult to distinguish one crow from another.

Michael Crawford, Who Knew?

Who knew, that just months after playing the part of Frank Spencer, the bumbling simpleton on the hit British comedy, Some Mothers Do Have Them, Michael Crawford would become an international star of the musical theatre. It happened when he originated the role of the ”Phantom” in Andrew Lloyd Webers “Phantom of the Opera”. Two roles that are so “off-the-scale” different that it’s hard to visualize the two characters being played by the same person.

He has since gone on to star in musicals all over the world, including Broadway.

Trivia Quiz

(Click Question For Answer)

1. In what year was the first Moon landing?
2. Until 1923, what was the Turkish city of Istanbul called?
3. Name the largest (not highest) mountain range in the world?
The Andes.
4. Name the best-selling book series of the 21st century to date?
Harry Potter.
5. In fashion, Who invented the iconic Little Black Dress?
Coco Chanel, 1920’s.
6. Where is Billie Eilish from?
Los Angeles.
7. Where was the first modern Olympic Games held?
Athens, 1896.
8. What is the name of the coffee shop in the sitcom Friends?
Central Perk.


Your Horoscope

For Amusement Only

ARIES (March 21- April 19): Events take a more serious turn. Some hard decisions have to be made. Everything will turn out to your advantage,

TAURUS (April 20- May 20): The key for now is to walk, don’t run. Caution is required to make the right decisions for your future.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Don’t let others’ problems get you down. Set your goals and look to the future. It’s brighter than you think.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): A loved one is struggling. Lend them a little extra support and attention.

LEO (July 23- August 22): A quick fix temporarily fixes an irritating problem, but a more permanent fix will soon be needed.

VIRGO (August 23- September 22): Improve your attitude. You need to adjust your outlook to move ahead with life.

LIBRA (September 23- October 22): A positive answer to a negative question will balance things out. However, it won’t satisfy everyone—it never does.

SCORPIO (October 23- November 21): It’s a question of “too many cooks” involved in your current project. Reorganize to increase the group’s efficiency.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21): Your life has many twists and turns. Expect a few detours. Take some time to smell the roses.

CAPRICORN (December 22- January 19): Be more realistic about your finances. Money recklessly spent will take a lot of work for you to replenish.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Honesty and sincerity will help you get where you want. Your love life is on the up. Enjoy the warmth and romance.

PISCES (February 19- March 20): Your objectives may require a conservative approach. Give yourself time to consider new avenues.

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The Tea Set

A  Little girl was given a tea set for her second birthday. It became one of her favourite toys, and when her mother went away for a few weeks to care for her sick aunt, the toddler loved to take her father a little cup of tea, which was just water. At the same time, he was engrossed watching the news on TV. He sipped each “cup of tea” he was brought and lavished generous praise on the taste, leaving the little girl immensely proud.

Eventually, her mother returned home, and the father couldn’t wait to show her how his little princess had been looking after him. On cue, the girl brought him his “cup of tea,” and he sipped it before praising it to the heavens. The mother watched him drink it and said: “Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?”


Traffic Stop

A car gets pulled over because it’s travelling very slowly. Officer: “Sir, do you know how slow you were driving?”  Driver: “Yes, sir.” Officer: Why were you driving so slow?

Driver: “Slow? There are signs everywhere that say Hwy. 35, so I was driving that speed”.

Officer: “That’s not a speed sign; it’s the highway identification number. License and registration, please.” As the driver reaches for the glove compartment, the officer sees a passenger sitting there, pale and shivering. Officer: “Are you okay? What’s the problem?”

Passenger: “We just got off HWY. 401.”


Look at a cat facing off against a dog; you’ll often see its hair standing on edge. You don’t see the goosebumps underneath their fur, which they also get when they’re scared.

Goosebumps are a reaction to increased adrenaline, so we get goosebumps when cold or emotional. Although we don’t really need them now, our ancestors would have required them when facing off against large beasts before the age of humanity began!


Mary Jacobs, 77, of Newmarket, England, tried to sell her prized collection of bedpans at auction in July, the Suffolk News reported on July 29, but there were no takers. Jacobs said she started collecting bedpans in 1984: “I just wanted to collect something different,” she said. “It snowballed from there.” Now, with 160 unique items, she’s run out of room to store them. The rarest ones are those with odd shapes, she noted. She’s hoping to find a new home for them: “They’re clean, washed and in fantastic condition.”

The Last Word

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and sell it for a profit!

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