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August 14, 2024

BG’s Positively Speaking

What Are YOU Collecting?

There are many things in life that we can collect: books, Sports Cards, Theatre Programmes, Coffee Mugs, Wine Bottles, Autographs, Newspapers, Magazines, and Memorabilia of all kinds. However, there is one thing that we all seem to collect …. HABITS.

Habits are both good and bad. Some can be good for a while, but they should be unceremoniously discarded once they have served their purpose. Good Habits should be continuously cultivated, while bad habits should be eliminated.

Habit is a force that can quickly drive us down into failure or rise us to the heights of success. The more we do something, the more likely we are to do it again. Good habits are more likely to challenge us, to make us grow and stretch ourselves. Bad habits settle us down into our comfort zone, diminishing our potential to grow.

Think of bad habits as a steel rope. Bound around you, it holds your mind and body at its will, only allowing what the rope permits. Now, imagine that same steel rope, but now it is made up of good habits, stretched out across a valley, forming a bridge that will allow you to cross from peak to peak, moving toward the success you are ultimately seeking.

No matter what kind of success we seek, Personal or Work-related, the development of good habits is essential. Retaining those bad habits that no longer serve us will only drag us down. Sometimes stopping us dead in our tracks. It’s time to eliminate those bad habits and renew yourself with fresh, good habits. Ask yourself —–

What Am I Collecting?

Smart Granddaughter

A grandma lovingly kisses her granddaughter on the cheek upon seeing her at a family get-together. Afterwards, she notices the little girl wiping her cheek. “Are you wiping off my kiss?” she asks. “No,” she smartly replies, somewhat embarrassed but quick on her feet. I’m just rubbing it in!”

Editors Quote Book

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree long ago.”

—Warren Buffet


Rearrange the letters to form two words, 0ne on top and one on the bottom, that you can associate with winter. NOTE: one letter from the top row has been switched with a letter from the bottom.


(Click Or Hover Question For Answer)

The Harmonica

“Thanks for the harmonica you gave me for Christmas,” little Joshua said to his uncle the first time he saw him after the holidays. “It’s the best present I ever got.” “That’s great,” said his uncle. “Do you know how to play it?” “Oh, I don’t play it,” the little fellow said. “My mom gives me a dollar a day not to play it during the day and my dad gives me five dollars a week not to play it at night”.

Trivia Quiz

(Click Question For Answer)

1. What is the unit of time that equates to 1/100th of a second?
A Jiffy (or Centisecond).
2. Who is the 46th president of the USA?
Joe Biden.
3. Which book series introduces the character Dumbledore?
Harry Potter Series (Hogwarts Headmaster).
4. Which dwarf from Snow White mixes up his words?
5. What shape is the stop sign?
Octagon (8 sides).
6. What country first used paper money?
7. Which Canadian-born pop singer did Haley Baldwin marry?
Justin Beiber.
8. What fast-food chain first introduced the drive-thru window?


The Butterfly Effect

Your Horoscope

For Amusement Only

ARIES (March 21- April 19): Learning is essential to moving forward. Stay up to date with new information and prepare to move up.

TAURUS (April 20- May 20): Plan a break for you and your partner. Rekindle the romance in your life. Focus on just the two of you.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20): A new relationship is within your grasp. Open yourself up to the possibilities before they pass you by.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): What others think is not always the best thing for you. Be your own person; don’t give in to peer pressure.

LEO (July 23- August 22): You do not have to go through hard times alone. Look behind you; your best friends are standing behind you.

VIRGO (August 23- September 22): Your emotional equilibrium is off balance. Don’t give up on yourself. Try some professional counselling, it will help.

LIBRA (September 23- October 22): Take off those rose-coloured glasses that distort your vision. Accept reality as it is and proceed from there.

SCORPIO (October 23- November 21): A stronger foundation in your present relationship will give you more to build your future. Work on it.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21): Delving into the past will not help the present. Look after the here and now. The future will unfold itself.

CAPRICORN (December 22- January 19): Your partner sees something you are not seeing. Follow their lead and let the future determine if corrections are required.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Secrets are for keeping. Don’t allow a busybody to break the trust that someone has placed in you. Stay silent.

PISCES (February 19- March 20): Your ideas may differ from your associates. Give them a chance to voice their opinions. Be Fair!

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A Trip To The Antiques Roadshow

Bubba took a stuffed dog to the Antiques Roadshow and was told, “This is extremely rare. Do you know what it would fetch in good condition?” “Dunno,” Bubba said. “A stick?”

You Might Be A Redneck If…

  •  There are more dishes in your sink than in your cabinets.
  •  You think a turtleneck is a critical ingredient in soup.
  •  You’ve ever stood in line to get your picture taken with a freak of nature.
  •  Your anniversary present was getting the septic tank pumped.
  •  Your local ambulance has a trailer hitch.
  •  You watch cartoons long after your kids get bored.
  •  You think the French Riviera is a foreign car.
  •  You think you are an entrepreneur because of the “Dirt for Sale” sign in the front yard.
  •  You’re still scalping tickets after the concert is over.


Man who runs in front of car gets tired.
Man who run behind car get exhausted.
Man with one chopstick go hungry.
Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
Man who drive like hell bound to get there.
Man who lives in glass house should change clothes in basement.

Life Imitates TV

Calling Agent 99! Samsung is channeling the 1960s TV series “Get Smart” with its newest tech release: the Shortcut Sneaker, with which one can make phone calls. The phone is operated with discrete foot movements, recognized by motion sensors in the soles. Sadly, you’re not likely to get your dogs into them anytime soon: The company is making just six pairs, available only to Samsung members in the Netherlands who entered a special draw.

Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts from the city were on a camping trip. The mosquitoes were so fierce that the boys had to hide under their blankets to avoid being bitten. Then, one saw lightning bugs and told his friend, “We might as well give up. They are coming after us with flashlights.”

The Last Word

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.

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