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October 23, 2024
BG’s Positively Speaking
Oh! Oh! Oh! What A Little Change Can Do
The title above is a paraphrase of a song from the 1930s about what a little ‘moonlight’ can do. It was featured in the 1934 British film Road House. It became a jazz classic after being recorded in 1935 by “Lady” Billie Holiday. Well, we are not talking about moonlight but small change. No, not nickels, dimes, and quarters but small ‘changes’ to ourselves in how we think, act, speak, see, and do things.
We must be willing to change to get where we want to be. If our actions do not produce the desired results, we must be prepared to change. Examine every area of our lives, and we must change to improve it!
Maybe we’ve been passed over for promotion, our relationship with our partner is not what it should be, we need to earn more money, the boss at work doesn’t like us, our children don’t communicate with us, or we would like a new car. Whatever the problem is, it can be solved if we only change.
Most people don’t change because it’s uncomfortable; they have to admit (to themselves) that they were doing things wrong. So they do more of what they are already doing, hoping it will solve the problems. It invariably fails. Author John Maxwell, during one of his seminars, described it this way, “People don’t change anything until they feel the heat, by then it’s usually too late.” We must be ready to accept new ideas, learn them and apply them. We need to stay with it and be patient. Then, get ready for the results. It’s the little things that make the difference. Our small victories (the changes we make in ourselves) will always give great rewards. It is often said that…
Small Changes Will Produce Big Results
Feeling A Little Old, Are We?
If not, just read the following list …..
- The band Guns N’ Roses was formed 39 years ago.
- Scoobey-Doo made his first appearance 55 years ago.
- The Movie ET was released 42 years ago.
- Cindi Lauper will be 71 years old this year.
- The first Compact Discs were sold 42 years ago.
- The TV series Laverne & Shirley started 48 years ago.
- Elvis and Lynyrd Skynyrd both died 47 years ago.
- Pac-Man was released 44 years ago.
- The first Walkmans were sold 45 years ago.
Now, I betcha you’re feeling a little older.
We invite you to submit your favourite joke, quiz or interesting trivia for possible inclusion in future editions of The Perkolator. Send To: bg@theperkolator.ca
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Editors Quote Book
“Never a lip is curved with pain that can’t be kissed into smiles again.”
— Bret Harte
A Young Man & His Thermos
On his first day at his first job, a young man notices that his coworker has a thermos, so he asks what it’s for. He responds, “It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.” The young man immediately buys one for himself. The next day, he goes to work and proudly displays it. His coworker asks, “What do you have in it?” He proudly replies, “Soup and ice cream.”
What’s In A Name!
Pop singer Englebert Humperdinck, born Gerry Dorsey, didn’t just make up his stage name. It rightfully belonged to a late 19th-century German musician who became immortal because of an opera he wrote for his grandchildren: “Hansel and Gretal.”
Trivia Quiz
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Your Horoscope
For Amusement Only
Aries Mar 21 – Apr 19: Someone is working behind the scenes on your behalf. There is a possibility they may reveal them-self to you.
Taurus Apr 20 – May 20: Select companions whose interests closely resemble yours. Your discussions with them could be constructive and informative.
Gemini May 21 – Jun 20: A friend is looking for answers. You may be able to help. Voice your observations and act on them.
Cancer Jun 21 – Jul 22: Your judgement will positively impact some crucial decisions. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.
Leo Jul 23 – Aug 22: Impulsive assessments could be counterproductive. Business development requires more thought. Don’t rush a decision.
Virgo Aug 23 – Sept 22: Dedicate some time to fun activities. Select ones that are more mental than physical to get the most enjoyment.
Libra Sept 23 – Oct 22: Do not take things for granted when you have a supervisory capacity. Explain your directions in detail.
Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 21: You need to find ways of enhancing your financial position. A friend with a good head for business may help.
Sagittarius Nov 22 – Dec 21: Your mental faculties are equal to the challenges you face. Especially those that require logical and practical solutions.
Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 19: Interests can be advanced using your mind, not your voice. Think your way through the issues of control.
Aquarius Jan 20 – Feb 18: When used correctly, knowledge is power. Wait for the right moment to let others know what you know.
Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20: Avoid heavy topics with your friends. Keep the talk light and breezy and the mood carefree and fun.
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Video Of The Week
This week we offer a clip from what is considered by many to be the classic of all TV sitcoms, “I Love Lucy”. In this episode Lucy and Ethel get themselves into another comical situation.
The Beer Festival
After the Great Britain Beer Festival in London, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, “Hey bartender, I would like the world’s best beer, a Corona.” The bartender dusts off a bottle and gives it to him. The guy from Budweiser says, “I’d like the best beer in the world, give me ‘The King Of Beers, a Budweiser.” The bartender gives him one. The guy from Coors says, “I’d like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors.” He gets it. The guy from Molson sits down
and says, “Give me a Coke.” The bartender is a little taken aback but gives him what he ordered. The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask, “Why aren’t you drinking a Canadian?” The Molson president replies, “If you guys aren’t drinking beer, neither will I.”
On The Topic Of Golf
The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight. Ben Hogan
The difference between golf and government is that, in golf, you can’t improve your lie. George Deukmejian
Golf is a day spent in a round of strenuous idleness. William Wordsworth
You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich that neither of their new husbands works. Lee Trevino
Golf is played by twenty million American men whose wives think they are out having fun. Jim Bishop
The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course. Billy Graham
The Police Blotter
- Police in Oakland, California, spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had barricaded himself inside his home. After firing ten tear gas canisters, officers discovered that the man was standing beside them, shouting pleas to come out and give himself up.
- An Illinois man pretending to have a gun kidnapped a motorist and forced him to drive to two different automated teller machines. The kidnapper then proceeded to withdraw money from his own bank accounts.
- Police in Los Angeles had good luck with a robbery suspect who couldn’t control himself during a lineup. When detectives asked each man in the lineup to repeat the words, “Give me all your money or I’ll shoot,” the man shouted, “That’s not what I said!”
The Last Word
Rough roads often lead us to a beautiful destination.