Midland Penetanguishene June 23, 2021
29 June 2021
Midland Penetanguishene July 07, 2021
14 July 2021Midland Penetanguishene June 30, 2021
June 30, 2021
From This Moment On
There’s a great debate going on in this country, and it’s not about Covid-19. It’s not about the state of our economy or the economic recovery; it’s about Canada Day!
The question is; should Canada Day be a day of celebration or one of reflection? Some suggest we should suspend celebrations and spend time reflecting on the terrible wrongs inflicted on the indigenous peoples of this country.
Let’s do both. There is much to be thankful for in our country and that we should celebrate. We do, however, need to reflect on the indignities and trauma suffered by our native populations. Suppose anyone doubts the extent of the trauma. In that case, they only need to look at the lasting trauma of the Jewish people that the Holocaust produced. For two thousand years and more, blacks and people of colour have been taken as slaves, by predominately white nations, with little or no respect for their humanity.
This debate, or at least part of it, will be over on July 2. It would seem that most of the solutions to the past wrongs lie with our governments, federal, provincial and local. But, we can do things to rid our country of hate for those who are different. It does not matter what our religion is or from what country we originate. It is of no consequence the colour of our skin or our sexual orientation. We’re all one race; we’re the human race, Homo Sapiens.
We deserve to live our lives without fear, in peace and security. We can make that happen.
When we meet someone, on the street or in the store, whether they look like you or not, could you give them a smile and a warm greeting? Your mask will not hide it; It will show through your eyes. A friendly “Good Morning” can do more than you know to make others feel welcome and give them a sense of inclusion. Get to know your new neighbours, especially if they are part of a minority group. You will likely find you have more in common with a Muslim, Sikh or Hindu than you thought. Invite their children to play with your children or their family to your BBQ.
Canada Day is over for another year, and From This Moment On —-
The Future Is In Your Hands.
Editors Quote Book
The Real Reason
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this:
You cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.
Canada Trivia Quiz
(Click Question For Answer)
Your Horoscope
For Amusement Only
ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19: The best chances for success will come through your progressive contacts. Avoid involvements with associates are mired in tradition.
TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20: Do not discard any unusual, inventive concepts that buzz in your brain. You might be able to resurrect something others consider obsolete.
GEMINI May 21-June 20: An associate’s initiative might furnish you with the opportunity to accomplish something that thus far has been unachievable. Be swift.
CANCER June 21-July 22: Foreboding feelings of insecurity mustn’t be allowed to sway your judgement. Everyone other than yourself knows you can do what needs doing.
LEO July 23-Aug 22: In your career, you’ll have matters under control while others are trying to define the problem. Your knowledge gives you a definite edge.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22: It could prove quite worthwhile to accept an unusual invitation. You might meet someone new who you will find extremely interesting.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22: Give credence to flashes of inspiration you may get about changes. What you perceive could be of value to you materially.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21: You will function best if both your plans and your mindset are flexible. Unusual developments might seek a spot on your schedule.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21: If you’re alert, there is a good chance you could generate gains for yourself in an area that your contemporaries have ignored.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19: Being a good listener will enable you to analyze information that comes your way in a manner that will prove personally advantageous.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18: Your chances for personal acquisition continue to look impressive, but this could be due to the efforts of others.
PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20: Your leadership instincts are likely to come to the front in any group involvement. Others will automatically look to you for direction and encouragement.
They Say Canadians Don’t Brag.
So what do we Canadians have to make us Proud?
- Smarties (not sold in the USA)
- Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp (not sold in the USA)
- The size of our football fields, one less down and a bigger ball
- Baseball is Canadian – 1st game, June 4, 1838 – Ingersoll, ON
- Lacrosse is Canadian
- Hockey is Canadian
- Basketball is Canadian
- Apple pie is Canadian
- Mr. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers
- Tim Horton’s beats Dunkin’ Donuts
- A Canadian invented Standard Time.
- The Hudson’s Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth’s surface and is still around as the world’s oldest company.
- We invented ski-doos, jet skis, zippers, insulin, penicillin and the telephone and short wave radios, saving countless lives each year.
- A Canadian invented Superman
- We have coloured money.
- The handles of our beer cases are big enough for hands with mitts on.
- A Canadian created “Poutine.”
- Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope
Oh yeah!… our elections only last one day.
Can you get rear-ended on an empty road.
The Last Word
God bless Americans.
But God helps Canada to put up with them.