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Almaguin September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024

BG’s Positively Speaking

The Value of Knowledge

Gaining knowledge should be a lifetime commitment. Many people finish their schooling and feel that their education is complete. This is not true. If they don’t continue learning, they will not grow. Without growth, they will not be in a position to move forward or increase their earnings and will eventually fall backward.

If we look at some higher-income earners, we will find that they have an insatiable curiosity about their specialty and everything in general. This leads to a greater ability to analyze and provide solutions to a wider range of challenges. They are then able to demand higher rewards for their services. I recently heard a story that illustrates this principle.

A manufacturing concern had a problem with a malfunctioning machine. The manager called the man who took care of maintenance and repairs. He arrived a short time later, walked over to the machine, switched it on, listened for a few seconds, and then switched it off. He walked over to his toolbox, pulled out a hammer, returned to the machine, and gave it a swift hit with the hammer. He then switched the machine on, and it ran perfectly. He wrote out his invoice and gave it to the manager. It read: Repair to Machine…. $300

The manager took one look at the bill and said that he would not pay such a ridiculous amount for five minutes of work and demanded an itemized billing. The maintenance man sat down and wrote up the following invoice:

For checking the machine, getting a hammer from a toolbox,

striking machine…………………………………………………………$50

For knowing where to strike machine……………………..$250


His knowledge commanded the largest portion of his billing, not the physical activity required to apply that knowledge. In order to grow in life, it is crucial to ….

Never Underestimate The Value Of Knowledge

Editors Quote Book

“We are limited only by the borders of our imagination”


A Touch Of British Humour

Two elderly ladies were walking through the park one Sunday afternoon. The band was playing a catchy tune, and one of the ladies said, “I wonder what the name of that tune is.” The other one noticed a sign posted near the bandstand and said, “It looks like they post the names of their selections. I’ll go down and see.” A while later, she came back and told her companion, “It’s the Refrain from Spitting.”

* * * * * * * * * * *

A man was walking down the street when he met a small boy. The man asked what his name was. The boy replied, ‘Six and seven-eighths.’ The man asked him why his parents had given him such a strange name, and he replied, ‘They just picked it out of a hat.’

* * * * * * * * * * *

Two men went into a pub, ordered two beers, took some sandwiches out of their packs and started to eat them. “You can’t eat your sandwiches here,” complained the pub owner. The two men stopped, looked at each other, and swapped their sandwiches.

Trivia Quiz

(Click Question For Answer)

1. What are the two holes in the nose called?
2. Which is the longest river on the earth?
The Nile.
3. In 1967. What did Dr. Christian Barnard achieve?
First human heart transplant.
4. What name does NASA's most famous space telescope go by?
The Hubble Space Telescope.
5. What is Sweden's currency?
The Krona.
6. Which is the highest mountain in Japan?
Mount Fuji.
7. What is the character limit for a post on X (twitter)?
8. Who is known as the father of evolution?
Charles Darwin.


Your Horoscope

For Amusement Only

Aries Mar. 21 – Apr. 19: Things don’t always go the way you want them to. A little flexibility will help to smooth out the curves.

Taurus Apr. 20 – May 20: An abrupt change could cause some hardships for your family. Be sympathetic to their thoughts and feelings.

Gemini May 21 – June 20: A change in your point of view should be considered. There are pros and cons to every situation.

Cancer June 21 – July 22: A financial gain in one area will help offset costs elsewhere. Be thankful you can pay your debts.

Leo July 23 – Aug 22: Take some time to evaluate your goals. Some long term planning will pay you dividends down the road.

Virgo Aug 23 – Sept 22: Your ideas may face challenges but don’t compromise your values. You may be the only one on the right track.

Libra Sept 23 – Oct 22: It’s time to answer some letters. Don’t risk putting someone’s nose out of joint by putting things off any longer.

Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 21: Beware of self-serving people. They could bring down all that you have worked for. Face them with confidence.

Sagittarius Nov 22 – Dec 21: When it comes to love, age doesn’t matter. You will know that when the right one comes along.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 19: An interesting dilemma and a difficult task create an unusual opportunity for you. Use your creativity to solve the problem.

Aquarius Jan 20 – Feb 18: When faced with a difficult situation a positive attitude will make all the difference in success or failure.

Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20: A change is as good as a rest. Take off with a friend to new places. Make it a memorable adventure.

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The Good Samaritan

A Difficult Case

Two psychiatrists were at a convention. As they conversed over a drink, one asked, “What was your most difficult case?”  The other replied, “I had a patient who lived in a pure fantasy world. He believed that an uncle in South America was going to die and leave him a fortune. All day long he waited for a letter to arrive from an attorney. He never went out, he never did anything, he merely sat around and waited for this fantasy letter from this fantasy uncle. I worked with this man eight years.”  “What was the result?”  “It was an eight-year struggle. Every day for eight years, but I finally cured him. And then that stupid letter arrived!”

Did You Know?

  • The Grand Canyon can hold around 900 trillion footballs.
  • The Great Wall of China is approximately 6,430 Km long (3,995 miles)
  • The Taj Mahal in India is made entirely out of marble
  • Did you know the Eiffel Tower has 1,792 steps
  • There are over 225,000 trees in New York’s Central Park
  • There are over 600 windows on the Empire State Building

Intelligent Life

It was a celebratory mood with the boys at NASA; they had just made the scientific achievement of a lifetime. As they were uncorking a bottle of champagne, Dr. Braun, the head scientist at NASA, asked everyone to be quiet as he had received a congratulatory phone call from the President of the United States. He picked up a special red phone and spoke into it. “Mr. President,” said Dr. Braun, grinning broadly, “after twelve years of hard research and billions of dollars spent, we have finally found intelligent life on Mars.” He listened for a second, and his smile gradually disappeared, replaced by a frown. He said, “But that’s impossible, we could never do it, yes Mr. President,” and hung up.. He addressed the crowd of scientists staring at him curiously. “I have some bad news,” he said, “the President said that now that we’ve found intelligent life on Mars, he wants us to try to find it in Congress.”

All For a $1.00

A guy is walking around town when he sees a bar with a sign advertising “All the Beer You Can Drink for $1!” He thinks that’s a great deal, so he sits down, hands the bartender a dollar, and asks for a beer. “Sure, right away,” says the bartender, pulling out a tiny shot glass and filling it halfway. The man is stunned. “What the heck is this?” he asks.

“That’s all the beer you can drink for $1.”

A Conundrum

If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money? It’s a puzzlement!


Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into the personnel manager’s office. “What is the meaning of this?” the manager asked. “When you applied for the job, you told us you had 5 years’ experience. Now we discover this is the first job you’ve ever had.” “Well,” the young man said, “your ad said you wanted somebody with imagination.”

The Last Word

The people who know the least about you are always the ones
who have the most to say about you?

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