Almaguin June 22, 2022
29 June 2022
Almaguin July 6, 2022
13 July 2022Almaguin June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
A French guest staying in a hotel in Edmonton phoned room service for some pepper. “Black pepper, or white pepper?” asked the concierge “Toilette pepper!”
A patron in a Montreal restaurant turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded. “This is an outrage,” he complained. “The faucet marked ‘C’ gave me boiling water.” “But, Monsieur, ‘C’ stands for chaud, the French word for hot. You should know that if you live in Montreal.”
“Wait a minute,” the patron shrieked. “The other tap is also marked ‘C.'” “Of course,” said the manager. “It stands for cold. After all, Montreal is a bilingual city.”
Editors Quote Book
“Our hopes are high. Our faith in people is great. Our courage is strong,
and our dreams for this beautiful country will never die.”
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Rollin’ Up At Timmies
A man went into a Tom Horton’s and noticed there was a “Roll Up The Rim To Win” Contest. So, he rolled up the rim of his coffee and started yelling, “I’ve won a motor home! I’ve won a motorhome!” The girl at the counter said, “That’s impossible. The biggest prize is a car.” The person shouted, “No, it’s not a mistake. I’ve won a motorhome!” He handed the cup to the girl who read: “W I N A B A G E L.”
Canadian Trivia Quiz
(Click Question For Answer)
Your Horoscope
For Amusement Only
Aries Mar. 21 – Apr. 19: Employment issues may take up the bulk of your time. There are important decisions that you need to make.
Taurus Apr. 20 – May 20: Don’t insist on taking the lead. There are some important lessons that you can only learn from the rear.
Gemini May 21 – June 20: You may enjoy an unexpected increase in personal authority. Use it to build a new path to your future.
Cancer June 21 – July 22: It’s time to talk about things that bother you. Let others know what you expect from them from now on.
Leo, July 23 – Aug 22: Be careful not to assert your authority in ways that threaten the loyalty of those around you.
Virgo Aug 23 – Sept 22: You can enjoy a well-earned victory this coming week. Then prepare yourself for some bumpy times ahead.
Libra Sept 23 – Oct 22: You’ll get more pleasure from your social activities in the coming days. New doors may be opened to you.
Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 21: Associates will likely leave you to yourself. They think that you are attempting some unusual tasks.
Sagittarius Nov 22 – Dec 21: An increase in work-related rewards could be coming your way. Cast your eyes to the future.
Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 19: Differences of opinion are unavoidable. Take care to avoid them from becoming lasting points of conflict. Compromise!
Aquarius Jan 20 – Feb 18: Don’t take things so personally. Constructive criticism can be a great learning tool if you listen carefully.
Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20: Your reputation and prestige are important to you. Keep that thought in your mind and act accordingly.
Did You Know?
They Say Canadians Don’t Brag
So what do we Canadians have to be proud of?
- Smarties (not sold in the USA).
- Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp (not sold in the USA).
- The size of our football fields, one less down, and a bigger ball.
- Baseball is Canadian, 1st game, June 4,1838, Ingersoll, ON.
- Lacrosse, Hockey & Baseball are all Canadian.
- Apple pie is Canadian.
- Mr. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers.
- Tim Horton’s beats Dunkin’ Donuts.
- A Canadian invented Standard Time.
- The Hudson’s Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth’s surface and is still the world’s oldest company.
- We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, zippers, insulin, penicillin, the telephone and short wave radios which save countless lives each year.
- A Canadian invented Superman.
- We have coloured money.
- The handles of our beer cases are big enough for hands with mitts on.
- A Canadian created “Poutine.”
- Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope.
Oh yeah!… our elections only last one day
Only In Canada
The Sourtoe Cocktail: The Sourdough Saloon, located at the corner of Second and Queen, Dawson City, Yukon Territory. Has a rather unusual item on its drinks menu: a cocktail containing a mummified human toe. Yes, really. The toe is said to have belonged to a turn-of-the-century rum runner who lost his digit to frostbite while evading the local law enforcement. Suppose someone manages to down a Sourtoe Cocktail (and “kiss” the toe, which bobs around in your glass). In that case, they’ll walk away with a bit of extra swagger—and a certificate to commemorate the achievement.
The Only Desert In Canada
Most people don’t even know Canada has a desert, the Okanagan is an anomaly in a country known for snow. The Okanagan Desert is threatened, scientists and indigenous people are now working to protect the ecosystem. It is centred around the city of Osoyoos and is the only semi-arid shrub-land in Canada. Part of this ecosystem is referred to as the Nk’mip Desert by the Osoyoos Indian Band, though it is identical to the shrublands elsewhere in the region. Driving into the town of Osoyoos, British Columbia, visitors will notice that the landscape becomes drier.
Fun Fact
Canada has the Largest Freshwater Island in the World – Manitoulin Island in Ontario, is the largest fresh freshwater island in the world. It is an amazing place to visit. Located in Georgian Bay of Lake Huron, it is filled with hiking and cultural experiences. The Great Spirit Circle Trails allow people to immerse themselves in the Indigenous culture of Canada’s First Nations.
A Canadian’s Last Words
“A little while and I will be gone from among you, whither I cannot tell. From nowhere we came, into nowhere we go. What is life? It is a flash of a firefly in the night. It is a breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is as the little shadow that runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. My children, I have spoken.”
These were the last word’s, spoken near Gleichen, Alta. by Blackfoot Chief Crowfoot (c.1830-90)