Of Advertising In The Perkolator
- PRICE: Competitive advertising rates. Save 25-50% on display advertising(compared to local newspapers).
- POSITIVE: Fun, positive, entertaining and informative content, putting readers in a relaxed and receptive mood.
- PLACEMENT: Distributed to high volume locations. Primarily restaurants and coffee shops.
- PREFERRED: Only one advertiser per business category. Lock in your advertising. Lock out your competitors.
- PROMINENT: Designed so that your advertisement doesn’t get lost.
- PERSISTENT: Your Advertising gets seen repeatedly and consistently. Our loyal readers eagerly await each new edition.
- PICKED UP: Every single copy is read by multiple people at the distribution location then passed on to friends and family outside.
- PROVEN: With 25 years in the marketplace, The Perkolator is a proven advertising concept with a growing and loyal readership.
- PROFESSIONAL: You’ll be in good hands with our professional approach to your advertising and marketing needs